Expert Chatbots

Intelligent virtual assistants

Expert Chatbots are advanced virtual assistants designed to support both patients and healthcare users as well as your company’s internal teams. These chatbots provide accurate and personalized information, improving the user experience and optimizing internal efficiency.

How it works

Intelligent virtual assistants are configured according to the specific needs of the desired target. To this end, the following features can be implemented:

  • Respond only with the information provided, increasing the accuracy of responses.
  • Quoting literally the sources of the answers.
  • Adapt the language, tone and style of responses according to the users.
  • >Fine-tune training to improve subject-specific knowledge, avoiding possible errors and hallucinations.
  • Be available to the general public or restricted to company users only, always in a secure environment without sharing information with third parties.


Improved Patient Care:

Provides accurate information tailored to the user’s profile, improving the experience and preventive care.

Internal Efficiency:

Assists internal teams with compliance regulations, technical information and HR support, improving operational efficiency.

Personalized Interactions:

Adjusts responses to the required tone and style, ensuring effective and consistent communication with users and employees.

Ease of information:

Provide specialized answers on specific pathologies and health web content, ensuring reliable and accessible information.

Reduction of administrative tasks:

They assist internal teams with technical product information, compliance regulations and HR support, facilitating daily operations.

Adaptation to the user:

They adjust responses to the required tone and style, ensuring consistent and effective interaction with users.

Continuous attention:

24/7 support to users at a much lower cost.

Main features and functionalities

  • Ability to adjust responses to tone and style, ensuring effective communication adapted to each situation.
  • Possibility for the Chatbot to respond only with the information provided, increasing the accuracy of the answers.
  • Experts in the content of a health website, providing accurate and updated information.
  • Specialists in specific pathologies, helping users with detailed information about their conditions.Preventive health advisors, offering personalized recommendations to improve users’ well-being.
  • Preventive health advisors, offering personalized recommendations to improve users’ well-being.
  • Support for internal compliance, medico-legal and other crucial aspects for internal teams.
  • Technical product information and support for departments such as Human Resources, coaching and training.

Our AI environments and systems are PRIVATE, exclusive to our customers and do not share information with third parties. Our systems comply with European legislation on data protection and security.
Our solutions guarantee total confidentiality of the information provided by users. Privacy is our priority, ensuring a secure and reliable environment for information management.

Discover how our solution can transform your business.

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